Here is an actual sequence of key presses to do a calculation with fractions:
To use fractions, enter the inches and press "inch". Then enter the numerator (the number on top
of the fraction) then press one of the denominator keys. (Those are the ones at the top which go
from 1/2 to 1/64.) For example, to enter 5 7/16, you'd press:
"Inch" button
"1/16" button
You'd then see 5 7/16 in the box just above the keyboard. To add 2 1/4 to this, press the "+" button then:
"Inch" button
"1/4" button
Then press equal.
If you're working with a length less than an inch, don't use the Inch button. For example, to enter 3/4,
"1/4" button
The thing that makes this different from other types of fraction calculators is that is specific for
measurements, e.g., 1/2, 1/4, etc. You can't enter 4 2/3 for example because that isn't a
measurement. The reduced functionality actually makes it much easier to enter fractions.