These buttons convert a decimal to a fraction (“0.0 ->”) or from a fraction to a decimal (“-> 0.0”). When converting from a decimal, the

closest fraction respecting the current precision is generated and the associated error displayed. (The current precision can be set on the last tab and is explained below.)

These buttons function just as they would on a normal calculator. (The +/- button just changes the sign of the factor being edited.)

These buttons allow you to STOre and ReCaLl a value to reuse.

These buttons clear the current expression (CE) or the entire tape (CT)

This button is used when entering fractions. It is enabled when an integer has been entered and it is possible to define it as the whole number part of the fraction.

These buttons are used to specify the denominator of a fraction. They are active after an integer has been entered and it is possible to specify that integer as the numerator of a fraction.

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Note that WoodworkerCalc collects absolutely no user information or data.

These selectors on the last tab allow you to choose the precision of fractions and decimals. Instead of presenting answers using the most accurate fraction, most woodworkers work in a standard precision such as 1/32 and 1/64. Note that you can always convert from the preferred fraction to the most accurate by pressing the “=” key. For example, the result in the preferred precision might be 5/32 but is actually closest to 21/128. Sometimes this information is important.

The tapes screen allows you to save sequences of calculations to named sets. The “Save Tape” button is disabled until you enter a name. Once you have done that you can save the tape and it will appear in the list next to “Load Tape”. To load a tape, select it from the list and press “Load Tape”; the tape will be loaded and displayed in the calculator.

Note that tapes can be deleted by swiping a tape name to the left. A “Delete” button will then be displayed.

Here is an actual sequence of key presses to do a calculation with fractions:

To use fractions, enter the inches and press "inch". Then enter the numerator (the number on top

of the fraction) then press one of the denominator keys. (Those are the ones at the top which go

from 1/2 to 1/64.) For example, to enter 5 7/16, you'd press:



"Inch" button


"1/16" button

You'd then see 5 7/16 in the box just above the keyboard. To add 2 1/4 to this, press the "+" button then:


"Inch" button


"1/4" button

Then press equal.

If you're working with a length less than an inch, don't use the Inch button. For example, to enter 3/4,



"1/4" button

The thing that makes this different from other types of fraction calculators is that is specific for

measurements, e.g., 1/2, 1/4, etc. You can't enter 4 2/3 for example because that isn't a

measurement. The reduced functionality actually makes it much easier to enter fractions.
